Rockin' H Farm
Website: www.RockinHFarm.com
Rockin’ H Farm is a small farm in Statham, GA owned by Amanda and Tyler Hall. It is our mission to supply local families with locally grown natural, sustainable, and chemical free milk, meats, eggs, vegetables, honey, and fiber.
We currently raise Lamancha dairy goats, Heritage Ancona Ducks, Silver Fox Rabbits, various laying chickens, huacaya alpaca, Great Pyrenees LGDs, bees, and a small garden.
In 2015 we will offer fresh, raw goat milk, farm fresh duck and chicken eggs, honey from our small apiary, heritage rabbit, pastured heritage duck, hand spun alpaca fiber and products, farm fresh veggies, and hopefully pastured heritage turkey for our community.
We have also just obtained the neighboring 10 acres, doubling our current size and allowing for several more opportunities for the future!